As you know, or you may not know but don't worry you're still cool, my newest favorite show/anime is Axis Powers Hetalia. Never, since 9th grade geography with Mr. Goody or when Hysteria was still on Kids WB have I enjoyed learning history more than with Hetalia. For instance I didn't know that the "Axis Powers" part of the title actually meant something or what it meant, now I do. I also know who the Allies are that fought against the Axis (I'll let you Wiki it yourself)
I also had no idea Prussia was no longer a country and how it became so, or that there's a small country called Belarus, who is psychotic and wants to marry Russia..
Anyway I said all that to bring you to this: I made another FANFICTION!! Bwahahahahaa.. It's actually rather short, only 600ish words, but it's super sweet and I loves it dearly. I'm still fairly new to the whole "fanfiction" and the "fandoms" that are created for beloved shows/books/etc so I'm still baffled by the whole "pairing" idea (this means fans put together characters they like best in romantic situations) but I'm warming up to it.
I've been in love with Hetalia for about two years, and never once have I paired anyone together, until monday night. I had no intention of writing anything cause I'm still working on my high school romance short (the one Allysen loves to pieces) but I wanted to see if there were some good fanfics for my pairing out in the great wide web. There aren't, but they gave me ideas for my own, which spontaneously combusted and now I have a new fanfic.
So there, I have Switzerland and Liechtenstein fanfiction. Odd pair huh? But their connection both fictionally and non-fictionally is sooo sweet I just had to. If you are interested let me know, but unless you've seen the show you really wont get it.
Ok here's the cute I promised. I love web comics, and Deviant art has lots of them. There's on in particular that I love best and I made a clay person from one of her designs. I'll link you to the comic but be warned it's Anime related. (Aunt Malayna Rachel would like it, it's Bleach)
Wheres my Uzera! Her head is still on a pike I hope you know. When you finish her I hope she can forgive you for such treatment!
That's funny. I've always been fascinated with the Axis Powers and the Allies. This might actually be a series I'd be interested in. Sad, I know that I'm way into all the war stuff but I am.
Amazing job on the clay figure as well. I'll never be able to hold animaes in the same esteem as you but your figurines do make them see way more appealing.!
What happened? You started off so strong, and then nothing for two whole weeks at least! I'm waiting...
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