Well not YET but as of 7:30 tonight my baby brother will be home from a 2 year mission induced Absence!!!!
It's completely surreal, when he first left it felt like he'd NEVER come home 2 LONG years!
Then life just went on, every monday we'd hear from him, and we'd all look forward to that, but after awhile it just felt normal! Like this is how it is. So now that he is coming home.. its just so WEIRD! Don't get me wrong I can't wait!! Today will probably be the absolute longest day of his whole mission! For us more then him though...
As of last night we are ready and set for his return, complete with Welcome Home banners and Elder Hill Posters and, because sense just vanishes after 10:30 at night a Irte A Casa poster which Grant helped us translate.. not really sure HOW it translates but I asked him how you say"Go Home" in Spanish, and it took him a while to respond... Anyway the posters made and my little brother is excited to show it to Jake.
For those of you who are doubting our pure intentions with Nicolas' sign-enthusiasm ... Yes we actually DID steal Nicks poster with his cute little picture of him and Jake and put the mean sign on the back of it. Why? because we ran out of posters!! Are we ashamed of ourselves? No, no we're not. In fact it had us rolling around laughing for hours, heck I'm still giggling, and I wouldn't past Kim or Allysen to be doing the same
Well that's all I have to say really because anything further I write will just be more varying statements of He's COMING HOME!
Just about an hour until his plane lands! Really looking forward to it!
HE"S HOME!!! And this time for REALS!!! Dinner was a lot of fun thanks for coming!!
Yes, dinner was fun! And Jake is TAN!! I'd say he's a 15. ;)
lol he is way tan its almost kinda a redish color so we keep poking him to see if its a sun burn lol poor Geg
well, for those of us that won't be able to see him, are you going to post more current pictures?!?
sorry, I'm at work and I always forget to make sure someone else isn't already logged in. Oh well.
I sure am seeing how my moms not very hip with the times.. seeing how the only reason she HAS a blog is because I made her one.. Yes I will be up loading better pictures I just need to find the time! I know I left it around here somewhere....
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